Festival Engel Parade 2023


"Engel Parade"

Festival «Engel-Parade» was created with the purpose of propaganda and presentation to the wide public of pearls of art Jewish music, among them unknown works of Jewish composers of St. Petersburg School - from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day.

Providing new repatriate musicians with a stage, an opportunity to expose their talent to the public, as well as to concert organizers and heads of music schools. As part of the festival, musicians from Jerusalem musicians from Jerusalem, as well as guests of the capital.

The festival will include performances by the winners of the «Piano for Life» international online Jewish piano music competition named after Chaim Tukachinsky, our colleague, an accomplished pianist and Jerusalem resident who tragically died in October 2018.

Concert fragments from 2012-2023

Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009
Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009
Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009 Saminsky. Lied Über Estherka (1914). Shirelle Dashevsky/Zina Goldin. Jerusalem, 2009

First International Haim Tukachinsky's Piano Competition &Piano for Haim&


Dear fellow musicians, pianists and teachers!

We are pleased to announce the start of accepting applications for participation in the First International Online Jewish Music Piano Competition named after Haim Tukachinsky. The competition will be held as part of the Jerusalem Festival Engel Parade 2023.

This unique event will provide you with the opportunity to showcase your talent, share your creativity, and compete against the best pianists in the Jewish music scene.

Contest Goals

- Promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage of the Jewish composers of the St. Petersburg School, who have made a significant contribution to the musical heritage of both Russia and the world.

- Performance and replenishment of the video library of piano works by Jewish composers of the St. Petersburg School.

- To perpetuate by means of music the memory of the tragically deceased remarkable pianist, Haim Tukachinsky, a resident of Jerusalem.

- Encouragement and support of talented performers who are able to convey the spiritual depth of Jewish music.

- Creation in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem, a significant musical event around which professional musicians and a wide audience of music lovers will unite.


Composed of recognized experts in the field of classical and Jewish music, they will appreciate your talent, performance style, originality and emotional power of your performances.

Participation categories

1 Students of professional music schools, 14 - 21 years old.

2 Professional musicians, 21 years old - no age limit.

3 Other: If you are younger then 21 y.o, but have an impressive experience and awards and want to take the more serious repertoire - please, write us about it.


- Grand Prize:

The winners of the competition will be awarded with the Diploma of the Laureate of the International Competition, receive an invitation to participate in the concerts of the Engel Parade Festival,

have a professional video recording of the performance;

For winners from abroad, the costs of their stay in Jerusalem during the days of the concerts of the Laureates of the Competition will be on the organizing committee.

- Second and Third places:

Diploma of the Laureate of the International Competition;

Upload of the competition video recording to the YouTube channel of NPO "Nigunim La-Ad".

- Fourth and Fifth places:

Diploma of the Participant of the International Competition.

Participation rules:

1 Fill out the application form Application form

In the application form it is necessary to indicate your full name, contact details, age group, and brief information about yourself and your musical experience. Please also enumerate your Jewish music repertoire, if any. Send the application with the links to your videos of your other performances that you are proud of, a photo, a receipt for payment of the entry fee - to piano.for.haim@gmail.com

Be sure to include &Piano competition 2023& in the subject line of your email.

2 The entry fee is: 90 shekels in the youth category, 150 in the professional category. By bank transfer from Israel:

Nigunim Laad, Bank Leumi, 10, Branch 902. Account: 41200040.

For participants from abroad, please write us here:


Be sure to include "Piano competition 2023 entry fee" in the subject line of your email.

The time of the video presentation of each participant is from 10 to 15 minutes.

Video recording of the competition performance should be sent only asa link to youtube. Downloadable videos will not be considered.

Video recording can be either newly made or an old one, but not older than September 27, 2022.

Important dates:

- Opening date for applications: August 1, 2023. Application Deadline: October 27, 2023

- A video recording with the competitive repertoire must be sent before October 27, 2023.

- Announcement of the finalists: until November 18, 2023 by mail, on the FB page of NGO Nigunim Laad https://www.facebook.com/Nigunim.Laad and on the website https://www.nigunim-laad.org/

- Final concert and awards ceremony: between 10 - 21 December 2023 in Jerusalem, Israel.


To participate in the competition, you can choose the music of composers:

Joel Engel, Shlomo Rosowsky, Lazare Saminsky, Alexander Krein, Moshe Milner, Joseph Achron, Alexander Veprik, Jakob Weinberg, Mikhail Gnessin, Joachim Stuchevsky.

The site https://www.nigunim-laad.org/ also contains our constantly updated music library of the School's composers. You can and it is recommended to have a look on our catalog. 

**To view the list of piano works on the site, please note: Genre - Instrumental Solo; select "Piano", "scores", and then press "Search".

**To ask/ purchase scores from our collection, - send us a request for the sheet music you would like to receive, - by email: piano.for.haim@gmail.com

Join the musicians who carefully bring talented Jewish music to the stage! Use your chance to show your talent!

Questions and additional information : piano.for.haim@gmail.com

We wish you good luck and a bright creative path!

Sincerely, the Organizing Committee of the Engel Parade Festival Engel Parade Festival

Organizing Committee of the Online Jewish Music Piano Competition named after Haim Tukachinsky.